Emerging Architecture Track

Passive Solar + Sustainability Design Tools Session

Multi-Disciplinary Optimization in the Early Stages of Design
S. Singh, Cuningham Group and Karen Kensek, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Energy Simulation in Passive Design: Tools for Considering the Invisible
M. Bohm, University at Buffalo

Comparison of Solar Evaluation Tools: From Learning to Practice
S. Duluk, H. Nelson and T. Woudenberg, University of Oregon

A Parametric Study Of The Thermal Performance Of Green Roofs Through Energy Modeling
S. Mukherjee, K. Konis and J. Choi University of Southern California, Los Angeles and P. La Roche California, State Polytechnic University

Too Much of a Good Thing?  Southern Glazing Percentages + Shoulder Season Comfort Isues in a Passive House in Climate Zone 4/5
J. Hall, Jay Hall and Associates and M. Hindle, Entellis Collaborative


Materials, Assemblies & Building Elements Session

Combined Solar Power Production and Dynamic Shading with Energy Harvesting Electrochromic Windows (EH-ECWs)
C. Meek and A. Bruot, University of Washington

The Solar Window Project
W. Colson, M. DiFrancesco and D. Fogarty, Hunter Douglas


Moving Toward ZNE Session

Opportunities and Challenges in Employing Energy Analysis Early in the Integrated Design Process
R. Koti, and A. Feucht, Lord, Aeck & Sargent

Zero Net Energy Education: Are We There Yet?
M. Anderson, T. Collins and A. Kwok, University of Oregon

Retrocommissioning a Small Commercial Building to Achieve Zero-Net Energy
L. Witmer and J. Brownson, The Pennsylvania State University and A Poerschke, IBACOS

Displaying the Benefits of a Zero Energy Home – A Monitoring Case Study
C. Clark, Alfred State College and D. Kostick, IMT Solar

Passive Conference Ignite!

The SEED Library: Transportable Architecture, Student Collaboration, and Low Energy Approaches
K. Ryan and B. Drab, The Pennsylvania State University

Heliodon: A Hands-On Daylighting Educational Tool
D. Doberneck and K Knechtel, The Pennsylvania State University