Introduction Solar 2010

Chair: Margot McDonald, CalPoly San Luis Obispo, CA
Vice-Chair: Jeff Lyng, Colorado Governor’s Energy Office, Denver, CO
Secretary: Paulette Middleton, Panorama Pathways, Boulder, CO
Treasurer: Bill Poulin, BP Solar, Frederick, MD
Past-Chair: John Reynolds, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Antonia “Toni” Bouchard,  SmartPower, Phoenix, AZ
Richard Caputo, San Diego Renewable Energy Society, San Diego, CA
David Comis, Sentech, Inc., Bethesda, MD
Gregory Edwards, The Nature Conservancy, Charlottesville, VA
Trudy Forsyth, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Allison K. Gray, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
David G. Hill, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation, Burlington, VT
Jason B. Keyes, Keys & Fox, LLP, Seattle, WA
Nathan Mitten, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Victor Olgyay, RMI ENSAR Built Environment, Boulder, CO
Natalie Osborn, McKinstry, San Diego, CA
Tehri Parker,  Midwest Renewable Energy Association, Custer, WI
Jeffrey Peterson, NYSERDA, Albany, NY
Mark Thornbloom, Viessmann Manufacturing USA, Cocoa, FL

Brad Collins, Executive Director
Irene Pérez Law, Chief Operating Officer
Becky Campbell-Howe, Director of Professional Education
Neshama Abraham, Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Christy Honigman, Director of Development
Carolyn Beach, Membership Manager
Richard Burns, National Solar Tour Manager/Chapter Liaison
Kristin Conrad, Web Development Manager
Kate Hotchkiss, Program Manager/Chapter Liaison
Chris Stimpson, Solar Nation Executive Campaigner
Elena Hoffrichter, Bookkeeper
Christine Howard, Executive Assistant
Ann Huggins, Office Assistant

Brad Collins, Publisher
Editorial Staff
Gina R. Johnson, Editor/Associate Publisher
Brooke Simmons, Manager of Electronic Publishing
Seth Masia, Deputy Editor
Corey Dahl, Managing Editor
Dona McClain, Sales Coordinator/Editorial Assistant
Sales Staff
Annette Delagrange, Director of Sales

Arizona Public Service Company
AEE Solar
Trina Solar
BP Solar
Lakeland Electric
OnGrid Solar
QuickMount PV
Schneider Electric
Salt River Project

Scholarship Sponsor
Energy Trust of Oregon

Media Sponsors
Renewable Energy World
Regent Broadcasting of Buffalo
enerG Magazine
North American Clean Energy Magazine
Solar Industry Magazine
SolarPro Magazine
Sustainable Facility Magazine

National Organizing Committee
Members of the National Organizing Committee are recruited as long as three years before the conference itself. Members of the NOC are responsible for the overall organization of the conference, including the program, marketing, and fundraising efforts. Members of the NOC organize all plenary sessions, and review and select Forum sessions for the conference. Members include:

Chair: Harvey Bryan, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Brad Collins, American Solar Energy Society, Boulder, CO*
Vicki Colello, NYSERDA, Albany, NY
Becky Campbell-Howe, American Solar Energy Society, Boulder, CO*
Sue Gouchoe, North Carolina Solar Center, Raleigh, NC*
Walter Grondzik, Ball State University, Muncie, IN*
Vivian Harte, Arizona Solar Energy Association, Tucson, AZ
Kate Hotchkiss, American Solar Energy Society, Boulder, CO*
Bruce Hunn, ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA
Moncef Krarti, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Margot McDonald, Cal Poly Architecture Department, San Luis Obispo, CA
Fred Morse, Morse Associates, Washington, DC
Agami Reddy, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ*
Jyl Safier, Conergy, Denver, CO
Vikram Sami, Lord Aeck Sargent Architecture, Atlanta, GA*
Jane Weissman, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Dedham, MA
Byron Winn, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO*
*also participated on the Forum Selection sub-committee

The Technical Review Committees
Members of the Technical Review Committees (TRC’s) review all abstracts for their particular conference, make final decisions as to which authors will be invited to write papers and present their work at the conference, organize accepted abstracts into technical sessions, schedule the sessions, and recommend chairs for each session. In addition, they help to publicize the National Solar Energy conference to their own colleagues and networks. Members of the TRC’s are experts in their respective fields, and are recruited early in the fall of the year before the conference.

Annual Technical Review Committee
Chair: Agami Reddy, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Marlene Brown, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM
Tom Diskin, San Mateo Community College, San Mateo, CA
Alison Mason, ReflecTech, Inc., Arvada, CO
Dan Robinson, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Frank Vignola, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Passive Technical Review Committee
Chair: Vikram Sami, Lord Aeck Sargent Architecture, Atlanta, GA
Jim Grady, NC State University, Raleigh, NC
Paulette Middleton, Panorama Pathways, Boulder, CO
Victor Olgyay, Rocky Mountain Institute, Boulder, CO
Walter Grondzik, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Alison Kwok, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Policy and Marketing Technical Review Committee
Chair: Sue Gouchoe, North Carolina Solar Center, Raleigh, NC
Ron Celentano, Celentano Energy Services, Wyndmoor, PA
Jason Keyes, Keyes and Fox, LLP, Seattle, WA
Larry Sherwood, Sherwood Associates, Boulder, CO
Jane Weissman, Interstate Renewable Energy Council, Dedham, MA